Alte Professionalità Vigili del Fuoco


Alte Professionalità Vigili del Fuoco

The association, free from any political constraint and independent in any form from party ties, intends to:

Participate in the renewal process of the National Fire Brigade Corps in the light of the changes that are imposed, by virtue of law, in the historical moment of the foundation of the Association;

Contribute, with the wealth of professional experience of the subscribers, to the implementation of the institutional aims of the CNVVF of rescue to the community, both internally, to achieve the highest levels of effectiveness and efficiency of the service, and towards society, promoting all useful action in favour of the dissemination of the culture of technical safety, civil protection and civil defence;

Promoting the professionalism of the staff of the National Fire Brigade Corps who provide non-occasional service in prevention and rescue activities assuming leadership responsibilities at both tactical and strategic command level, as well as those who perform, at the same high level of responsibility, administration and management activities in legal, economic and technical-scientific profiles;

Promoting every useful process of virtuous cooperation between professional emergency technical rescue workers and the voluntary components of the community active in the same sector.